Mission Inn Wedding | Amanda & Matt


You know when you meet certain people and you can tell you’ll be instant friends? That’s exactly how it was when I first met Amanda! I got to know her and Matt during their engagement session and then even better when we shot the wedding of their friends, Kara & Jared.

Matt and Amanda’s brunch wedding took place at the gorgeous Mission Inn. The ladies spent the morning in the hotel, complete with nail-painting and mimosas. The guys were in the billiard room playing pool, poker, and singing along to some of their faves on an old-fashioned juke box.

To be honest, I cry during A LOT of weddings I shoot. Not weeping, but I definitely shed a tear almost every time, and usually at different parts of each ceremony! Call me emotional, but I just really believe in love and all that goes into bringing the couple together. For Matt and Amanda, that moment for me (and most of the guests) was when they took time during the ceremony to face their parents, and had their pastor read notes that Amanda and Matt had written for each parent.

Matt and Amanda did something that I had never seen before called Bury the Bourbon. It’s good luck to bury a bottle of bourbon upside down at your venue on a day that has the weather you hope to have for your wedding. Old wives’ tale or not, it worked! Amanda and Matt had perfect weather for their wedding day. They dug up the bottle of bourbon during their reception and shared it with their attendants. Clearly, these two know how to throw a party.

Following the reception, their guests sent Matt and Amanda off in a boat! It was pretty epic. They invited me to hop aboard and grab some shots around the lake with them! Marco and I love these two and only wish we all lived a bit closer so we could get to hang out all the time.

Congratulations, Redingers! We wish you all the happiness in the world and we know you will do great things as husband and wife.